Interview with Stripe
by 3D Addict
Here it is, an exclusive interview with the man behinde all The Party events - Per Moeller, or to os, Stripe.Find out what are his plans for the future.Will there be a TP'97?
3D Addict
Here we go!
Hang on, I'll just light a Prince and put on some music.....ok!
You are the founder and the main organiser of all the The Party events.
Since the very first one, held in dec. 1991 in Aars, The Party has become the
most popular, and also the biggest scene computer event ever. What are your
thoughts about that, and have you also ever considered the fact, that you are one
of the main reasons that the scene grew so big?
Well, The Party really proves that if you work really hard on realising
your dreams, then
they CAN come true. Organizing is everything, if I didn't have a great
team of people behind
me who shares the same dream it would never have been possible.
As to the scene, I'm only happy that we have been able to contribute to
it in the way that we
can. Most of us can't code, do graphics or music, so this is our
contribution to the scene.
The scene is so much more than one really can imagine, therefor it's
quite important to me.
If it wasn't for The Party, I wouldn't have had a great job today, and I
know the same goes
for a lot of sceners.
You have been involved in the scene since 1990, and been a member of Rebels
and later Silents.What was the proudest moment in your career, and which period
do you consider as the best one?
The proudest moment.....29/12-96 around 13:30, the best TP ever had just
ended and things
had been going sooooo great. It's a great feeling to watch more than
3000 people go crazy.
And I just need to say thanx to all the people who came up to me after
TP6 had ended and said thanx for the party. That's allmost better than
What are your favourite scene musicians, graphicians, groups?
Hmmm....too many to choose from.....well, I guess Peachy is my favorit
graphician. I like his
style. Music....well...I have to say a bit Chris hÆ’llsbeck and a bit
Bjoern Lynne (Dr. awsome).
As to group, There's no doubt....Polka Brothers! - they are just too
Organising such big events as The Party must require A LOT of work.Where do you
find the time to do this and what are the most difficult things to get organised?
Time...well something like, absolutly no sparetime. Sometime I even need
to take a day or two
off from work. Too little sleep, way to little boozing etc....then it's
It do has it's price to do The Party, but it also has it's rewards. NO
I'm not talking about
money, then I would have choosen to do something else.
The most difficult to get good organizers to work during
The Party. The lack of good organizers was why we had to stop The Party.
At The Party 1996 we were only 3 people to do all the preparations
before The Party. That was way too much work.
TP'96 is long over, what are your thoughts about it compared to previous The Party
events?Are you satisfied with the way TP'96 went on?
No...(laughing)...well, I guess I'm never satisfied, but aint that the
way to improve it...
But ok, The Party 1996 was, do doubt, the best and most well organized
The Party ever. So
it works, we have improved. But ofcourse there were still a lot of
things that didn't work
out the way we wanted to.
A lot of people didn't had the chance to vote, because of the new voting system, which required network connection(software/hardware).Is voting on line, during
party events, the future, and how safe is it?
Yep, that was one of the things that didn't quite work out the way we
planned. Yes I belive
it is the future. It's easier to manage and less work for the organizers
= more time for other tasks, and it's quicker. With a fully functional
system, one can vote and download the
contributions right after the competition has ended and it's possible to
vote virtually until
the second the prize giving begins.
As to safety. Well don't we all know that nothing digital is safe.
Anything can be hacked, it's just a question of time and how skilled our
programmers are. But I'm willing to bet that no
one can hack the voting system before it's too late, so it's quite safe.
Tell me about the Assembly - Gathering - The Party cooperation, and also how did
this worked out at the last TP?
It didn't. To make a long story short - we tried, we tried and we tried
again. But as we got to know the organizers of The Gathering we found
out that they were way to un-organized. As to
Assembly...well they want to control everything, and we aren't quite
ready to lay down yet.
So the bottom line is that, we are better of doing Party stuff ourself.
I've heard that Assembly is going to release a CD Rom from TP'96.When is it going
to be released?
They wanted to yes, but....they set up so many rules about the
productions that we didn't
think it was a good idea. And on top of that they (as we understood it)
would be the only
one to earn any money on it.
So there's no CD yet. We will however make a CD. We just need to
get the files organized
first. But keep an eye on our homepage in the near future.
At the end of TP'96, you gave the impression that The Party events have come to an
end.However, there have been some rumours going on about TP'97? Some sceners , who
supposedly have spoken to you, are spreading the rumours about TP'97. Now, let's
hear it from the man himself. Will there be a TP'97 or not? :)(if there will be,
what maked you change your mind?)
Well, the reason for stopping was the lack of good organizers who wanted
to spend most of
their time organizing. But during The Party 1996 we found some new
people who wants to do
just so. So at the Symposium '97 we made it public that there was going
to be a The Party '97
and...well lets just say that the sceners there went wild! As to where
and what will happend,
I can't say yet. We have just begun to work on it, so there's still a
long way to go.
GREAT!! :))
A question about Summer Party'96.How did you came up with the idea, and will we
experience another Summer Party in '97?
Well, it was an experiment I personally made, and it went wrong. So
now I got a couple of
years payback time.....But better that, than having the sceners to pay
for it. So no, there is
no basis for a party in the summer. But we are working towards something
special in the future,
around the year 2000.....won't say anymore...
Would you like to say hello to some of your friends?
Sure, hi!.....Okay, where should I begin....I just want to say hi and
thanx to all the people
who has been, and is, a part of The Party. And to all the sceners out
there, hey! The Party is
nothing without you, Thanx!
Thank you very much for the interview.I appreciate it a lot. :))
U R welcome!